Further and Higher Education

Although they have a clear understanding of death, many young adults may have no previous experience of bereavement.

  • They may feel overwhelmed by their feelings of grief, which may come as a huge shock.
  • Other demands, such as exams, may place a young person’s capacity to deal with grief on hold, effectively delaying the grieving process.
  • They may feel under pressure to “cope” with their grief and can find it difficult to ask for or accept help.
  • Bereavement may come at a time when there are many other changes in their lives; further education, moving house, starting a new job, leaving the security of school or college – all of these can impact their grief.
  • They may feel vulnerable at a time when they are making new friendships and ‘finding their own way’.
  • If the bereavement happened some time in the past, this might be the first time they have needed to tell others of the death.
  • Their support network may not yet be established.
  • Secondary losses may add to the impact of the death.
  • Some young people may choose not to move away from home due to separation anxiety.