Secondary losses

In addition to a bereavement, there may be further changes for a pupil following the death of someone important to them. These can feel like additional losses and can impact on their grief. Some examples of potential changes are:

  • Home life - family structure, grieving adults at home, lack of attention on the young person, members of a family grieving in different ways, disrupted meal times and sleep patterns, visitors and additional disruption, moving house.
  • Finances – possible loss of income/working capacity, reduced allowances etc.
  • School – changes to before/after school routine, after school care, possibly changing schools.
  • Security – a pupil’s sense of security and safety may wobble or feel different after a bereavement.
  • Friends – including feeling isolated from friendship groups, friends not having the patience or understanding to support a bereaved friend.
  • Change in role - how they may see themselves if he/she was a carer for the person who died, or change in position/responsibility in family when a sibling/parent dies.